Page 13 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 13

6.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelemez?                9.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

                 I want to drink a ……………… of coke.                   A:  Can I have some more orange juice,

             A) loaf                  B) glass                       B:  I’m sorry but .............................. .

             C) can                   D) bottle

                                                                    A) enjoy it               B) here you are

                                                                    C) it’s all gone          D) sure

         7.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

              A:  I always drink milk because  it is
              B:  What does “nutritious” mean?

              A:  It means “.......................................” .

             A) it is useful for your health

             B)  it tastes good                                 Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 6

             C) it is bad for your health

             D) it smells nice

                                                                10. Karışık  verilen  cümlelerle  anlamlı  bir
                                                                    diyalog oluşturulduğunda doğru sıralama
                                                                    hangisi olmalıdır?

         8.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

                                                                       1. Yes, please. It’s my favorite.
              A: .....................................................................?
                                                                       2.  Do you want  some tomato  sauce
              B: Oh, no. I’m full.                                     with it?

                                                                       3. No, thanks. I don’t like it.

             A) Can I eat some pancakes                                4. Would you like some spaghetti?

             B)  Are you full

             C) Where do you want to go                             A) 2 - 4 - 3 - 1          B) 3 - 2 - 1 - 4

             D) Do you want anything else                           C) 4 - 1 - 2 - 3          D) 1 - 3 - 2 - 4

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