Page 15 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 15

6.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi                         9.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?
                                                                       A:  ...............................................................?

                                                                       B:  Yes, please.
              A:  Can I have ..................... bread, please?
              B:  Sure, here you are.
                                                                    A) Do we have any honey

             A) a slice of            B) a glass of                 B)  Are you hungry

             C) a cup of              D) a bottle of                C) Do you want some tea

                                                                    D) Is it nutritious

         7.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

               A:  Do you want some apple juice?
               B:  ......................... . I love it.       Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 6

             A) Yes, please           B) No, thanks

             C) All gone              D) I’m sorry

                                                                10. Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

         8.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi
             gelmelidir?                                                A:  .............................................................?

                                                                        B:  No, thanks.

                                                                    A) Can I have some coffee
              She eats …………………… every morning.

                                                                    B)  Do you want some pancakes

             A) butter                B) honey                      C) Do you have any bread

             C) jam                   D) cereal                     D) Is there any salami

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