Page 9 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 9

6.  Resme göre  hangisi                                    9 ve 10. soruları paragrafa göre cevaplayınız.

             A) It is ten past five.

             B)  It is five past ten.                                 Saturday is Linda’s favorite day. On Saturdays,
                                                                      she gets up at half past ten and has a big
             C) It is ten to five.                                    breakfast with her family. Then she always

             D) It is five to ten.                                    goes to the park and rides her bike with her
                                                                      friends. After lunch, she sometimes goes to the
                                                                      cinema with her sister. She usually plays computer

                                                                      games with her brother in the evening. She
                                                                      goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

         7.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?

              A: Where does she ........... on Saturdays?

              B: She ........... to her drama class.            9.  Who goes to the cinema with Linda?

                                                                Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 6  A) Her friends

             A) go / go               B) goes / goes                B)  Her parents

             C) goes / go             D) go / goes                  C) Her sister

                                                                    D) Her brother

         8.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?
                                                                10. Paragrafta hangi sorunun cevabı yoktur?

              A:  What time do you get home ...................     A) When does Linda have lunch?

              B:  ..................…..... 4 o’clock.               B)  What time does Linda go to bed?
                                                                    C) What is Linda’s favorite day?

             A) on / in               B) at / at                    D)  What  does  Linda  do  on  Saturday evening?

             C) on / at               D) in / at

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