Page 13 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 5. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 13

6, 7 ve 8. soruları haritaya göre cevaplayınız.     9.  Boş  bırakılan  yere
                                                                    hangisi gelmelidir?

                School         Bookshop         Mosque

             Library     Cafe     Restaurant     Police

                                                                     There are a lot of animals in the ................... .

        6.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?                  A)  butcher               B)  zoo

                                                                    C) police station         D) playground
             The cafe  is ………………………  the  library
             and the restaurant.

                                                                Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 5
            A) between               B)  behind
            C) in front of           D) opposite

        7.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

               The .............................................. is near
               the bookshop.

            A)  police station       B)  mosque

            C) school                D) library

                                                                10. Paragrafın anlam bütünlüğünü  bozan
                                                                    cümle hangisidir?

        8.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?                         (1) Go  along  this  road.
                                                                           (2)  Take  the  second  left.
                                                                           (3) I’m at the market. (4) It’s
               The police  station is  opposite  the                       on your right, opposite the
               ....................... .                                   cafe.

            A)  library              B)  cafe

            C)  bookshop             D) mosque                      A) 1         B) 2          C) 3         D) 4

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