Page 12 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 5. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 12

test 6

          UNIT 2

          MY TOWN

         1.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi                           3.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?
                                                                       A: .............................. . Where is the library?
                                                                       B: .............................. . I don’t know.

                                                                      A) Thank you/Of course

               The cat is ............................ the chair.     B) Excuse me/I’m sorry
                                                                      C) You’re welcome/Not at all

             A)  next to               B) on                          D) I’m sorry/Sure

             C) under                  D) near

                                                                 Schola Publishing  4.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?

                                                                       A: Excuse  me!  Is there  a bank  near
                                                                       B: Yes, ............... straight ahead and .........
                                                                          left .

                                                                      A) walk/past             B)  past/turn

         2.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?                   C) go/turn               D)  go/past

                                                                  5.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelemez?

                                                                      A: Can you tell me the way to the pharmacy?

                                                                      B: .......................................................................... .

               You can send letters from the .................. .
                                                                      A) Yes, walk along. It’s on your right
                                                                      B) Go straight on and take the first left
              A) fire station          B) bookshop                    C) Yes, there is one over there

              C) pool                  D) post office                 D) Turn right, it’s near the hospital

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