Page 14 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 7. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 14

6.                                                      9.
                      …………………………                                           SPORTS               EQUIPMENTS

                                                                           Archery                   Bow

                      Twice a month.                                        Tennis                  Racket

                                                                          Baseball                    Bat
            A) How often do you go scuba diving?

            B) When do you go to the gym?                                          Boxing         Backpack

            C) When does he do gymnastics?
                                                                    Which matching is wrong?
            D) Why does she do aerobics?
                                                                    A) baseball

                                                                    B) boxing

        7.  My brother wants to keep fit. He exercises              C) archery
            ………………                                                  D) tennis

            Which one  can not  complete the
            sentence?                                          Ayşegül İNAN - Twinkle Test Book 7

            A) everyday

            B) once a week

            C) twice a day

            D) usually

                                                                10.       I   usually   go     jogging

        8.  ……………………… is an outdoor sport.                                ………………..

            A) Table tennis                                         A) because I think team sports are boring.

            B) Bowling                                              B) to keep fit and be healthy.

            C) Diving                                               C) so I can’t be fit.

            D) Gymnastics                                           D) because he wants to keep fit.

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