Page 4 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 7. Sınıf Twinkle Power Book
P. 4

U NIT                                   1   Look at the words. Which ones do you know?
                                                                          APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY


                                middle                    of medium                  attractive      fat
                   well built     aged          short       height     energetic

             blonde        slim          thin      of medium        old          dark         hazel          fair

                   beautiful      large      handsome     overweight     plump        round         curly

                          feature     moustache     straight        tall       beard          wavy

                   forgetful   naughty      rude     punctual      shy      optimistic  selfish

                           tidy                stubborn     couch                 cheerful     smart      lazy
            easygoing                helpful                potato    thoughtful

                    stingy    arrogant   pessimistic  clever     honest     outgoing   energetic   clumsy

                        generous   hardworking  modest    successful     self                impatient   gorgeous
             friendly                                                 confident    patient

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