Page 10 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 5. Sınıf Twinkle Power Book
P. 10

U NIT                                                                                                  HELLO


                       6        Answer the questions according to the pictures.

          1                                                      2
                           Where is Prisha from?                                   Where is David from?

                           ………………………………………                                         ……………………………………..

                           What nationality is she?                                What nationality is he?

                           ………………………………………                                         ……………………………………..

         3                                                       4

                           Where is Josue from?                                    Where is Camila from?

                           ………………………………………                                         ………………………………………

                           What nationality is he?                                 What nationality is she?

                           ………………………………………                                         ………………………………………

         5                                                       6

                           Where is Luis from?                                  Where are you from?

                           ………………………………………                                      ……………………………………

                           What nationality is he?                              What nationality are you?

                           ………………………………………                                      ……………………………………

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15