Page 7 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 7

7.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi                             9 ve 10. soruları tabloya göre cevaplayınız.

                                                                    Jack’s     Mon    Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

                                                                      Do        ✓     ✓     ✓     ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓
              I ……………………………… after I come home.                   homework

                                                                  Watch TV                                  ✓    ✓

                                                                     Run                               ✓
             A) have a rest                                        errands

             B)  do my homework

             C) go out

             D) read a book
                                                                9.  Tabloya göre hangisi yanlıştır?
                                                                Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 6  B)  He watches TV at weekends.
                                                                    A) He does his homework every day.

                                                                    C) He watches TV on weekdays.

                                                                    D) He runs errands on Friday.

         8.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi


              It is ………………………………….. .                                  On Fridays, he ..........……………............ .

                                                                    A) does his homework and runs errands
             A) thirty to eight
                                                                    B)  only does his homework
             B)  eight o’clock
                                                                    C) only watches TV
             C) quarter past seven
                                                                    D) does his homework and watches TV
             D) half past seven

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