Page 5 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 5

6.  Resme göre hangisi                                  9.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?

            A) It is twenty past twelve.                             A:  ....................... Mike have a busy week?
                                                                     B:  No, he ....................... .
            B)  It is twenty to twelve.

            C) It is twenty to eleven.
                                                                    A) Does / don’t

            D) It is twenty to one.
                                                                    B)  Do / doesn’t

                                                                    C) Do / don’t

                                                                    D) Does / doesn’t

        7.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

                 A: ..............................................................?
                 B: No. I wait for dinner.

            A) Do you have a snack after school                 Gizem YEŞİLOĞLU - Twinkle Test Book 6

            B)  Where do you have lunch

            C) What time do you have dinner

            D) Do you wait for dinner

                                                                10. Paragrafın anlam bütünlüğünü  bozan
                                                                    cümle hangisidir?

        8.  Boş bırakılan yerlere hangisi gelmelidir?
                                                                       (1) My father gets up early. (2) He
              I wake up ……………. half past six …………..                    gets dressed and leaves home. (3)
              weekdays.                                                My mother  works  at the animal
                                                                       shelter. (4) He goes to work by bus.
             A) in / at               B) on / in

             C) at / on               D) at / in                    A) 1         B) 2         C) 3         D) 4

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