Page 4 - SCHOLA PUBLISHING 6. Sınıf Twinkle Test Book
P. 4

Test 2

          unit 1


          1.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?             4.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

                                                                        A:  ......................... do you go shopping?
                 …………..........… is the  last day  of  the
                 school.                                                B:  To the supermarket.

                                                                      A) When                  B) What
              A) Monday                B) Wednesday
                                                                      C) Where                 D) Why
              C) Sunday                D) Friday

          2.  Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelmelidir?

             Mark ………………. a nap after the school.
                                                                 Schola Publishing

              A) take                  B) have

              C) takes                 D) has

                                                                 5.  Boş bırakılan  yere
                                                                     hangisi gelmelidir?

          3.  Cümleyi anlatan resim hangisidir?

                 They run errands together.                            A: Does he play soccer?

                                                                       B: ......................................... .
             A)                        B)

                                                                     A) No, he doesn’t

                                                                     B)  Yes, he do
             C)                        D)
                                                                     C) Yes, he does

                                                                     D) No, he don’t

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